Business Services

Established in 1983 due to growing demands for storage facilities in the commercial sector,  Metrofile is the filing solution authority in South Africa and has 20 operational facilities spread all over the major provinces of the country as well as facilities in Mozambique and Nigeria.

Metrofile operations include records management, image processing, data protection, information solutions, paper management, business solutions, secure document disposal and the collection and confidential destruction of paper.

MIC transaction overview

  • In 2004, the MIC initially acquired shares in the issued share capital of Metrofile.
  • In November 2006, Metrofile announced a rights offer where MIC purchased additional shares in Metrofile.
  • MIC continued to buy shares gradually on the market
  • In December 2016, MIC further increased its shareholding in Metrofile to 36.4%

The MIC is the single largest shareholder in Metrofile.

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Boasting offices in Cape Town, Mossel Bay, Durban and Namibia, African Marine Solutions (AMSOL) is a specialist solutions provider and partner to clients who operate in marine environments. AMSOL is the only marine solutions provider in the region that is employee and management owned, and is a catalyst for economic empowerment and shared value creation.The company’s services offering is vast and covers several industries, including ports, mining, maritime and energy.MIC transaction overview In 2016, MIC Capital Partners (a joint venture between MIC and RMB Ventures) acquired an 18% interest in AMSOL

Investment sectors