
One of South Africa’s leading media groups established in 1994.

Primedia was listed on the JSE in 1995 and following a successful private equity transaction their listing was terminated in 2007.

Primedia has a broad portfolio of broadcasting and out-of-home assets, covering a wide range of advertising opportunities and digital industries. Its brands span traditional and non-traditional media and reach the entire consumer spectrum.

Operations are divided into several segments including broadcasting, entertainment, digital, advertising, marketing, sports advertising, sponsorships and promotions.

MIC transaction overview

  • In 2006, initial investment in Highveld Stereo, entering Primedia at an asset level
  • In March 2000, MIC acquired an interest in the listed ordinary shares of Primedia
  • In September 2007, Primedia delisted in a LBO
  • May 2008: MIC further invested in Primedia
  • In July 2010, MIC further invested in Primedia
  • The MIC owns 21.7% of Primedia
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Boasting offices in Cape Town, Mossel Bay, Durban and Namibia, African Marine Solutions (AMSOL) is a specialist solutions provider and partner to clients who operate in marine environments. AMSOL is the only marine solutions provider in the region that is employee and management owned, and is a catalyst for economic empowerment and shared value creation.The company’s services offering is vast and covers several industries, including ports, mining, maritime and energy.MIC transaction overview In 2016, MIC Capital Partners (a joint venture between MIC and RMB Ventures) acquired an 18% interest in AMSOL

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